The United States Fish and Wildlife Service proposes removing gray wolves in the lower 48 states from protection under the Endangered Species Act and turning management over to the states. AFA’s comment in opposition offers a useful perspective for the USFWS to consider, as it must under the law, when assessing all comments submitted in response to the proposal.
Essentially, that proposal is based on a two-pronged argument.
First, the agency argues, the science supports removing gray wolves from protection under the Endangered Species Act. Second, the states where they are found and are still protected (and Michigan is one of only a handful) are equipped and motivated to manage and protect the wolves.
As attorneys and advocates who have observed the “war on wolves” taking place in Michigan for nearly 8 years (see the Timeline below), and who have consistently and actively supported continued federal protection for the wolves, and opposed efforts to undermine these safeguards, we have good reason to believe that certain state authorities responsible for overseeing wolf management are unwilling and unable to provide meaningful, long-term protection for this magnificent, but still fragile species.
Our letter and Timeline are reproduced in full below.
“Michigan authorities responsible for wildlife management are ill-equipped and not disposed to address the social and public policy ramifications of a wolf hunt, important components that must be considered in addition to the science.
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“Our thesis is that a ‘culture’ has developed within these agencies, aided and abetted by some members of the legislature, which has led to a conclusion that a recreational hunt is inevitable. This aura of inevitability has infused the state’s Wolf Management Plan.”