When it comes to using animals for entertainment, we thought we’d heard it all. Then we learned of “Banana Derby” at the Family Fun Fest in Hamburg Township.
Image: Capuchin Monkey in the Wild, Maria Camila Castaño_Pexels
“The Derby features Capuchin monkeys in tiny horse jockey outfits riding on the backs of dogs, racing around the track. The monkeys are trained to ride the dogs (their best friends) and entertain the guests seated along the track. Three to four shows are offered per day of the festival…” according to the event website. Also featured is a “mobile zoo” with camels, llamas, goats, monkeys, reptiles, birds, kangaroos.
Several animal welfare organizations pressured the Hamburg Township (Livingston County, MI) officials and event organizers to cancel the show. They did not. Efforts have turned to peacefully protesting each day of the Fest; ensuring the health and safety of the animals during the four days of the Fest, June 15-18; and advocating so that animals will not be used in future events.
We turned to AFA member Francine Dolins, PhD, a primatologist and Associate Professor of Psychology, Department of Behavioral Sciences, University of Michigan-Dearborn, who calls the derby a cruel practice inflicted on monkeys for entertainment.
Read Dr. Dolins’ comments in our position statement about the “Banana Derby” and the petting zoo: