Legislators can introduce, sponsor, co-sponsor and vote on bills. Sen. Polehanki demonstrates that our elected officials have other tools and opportunities to advocate. View the video which includes many insights into the way the Senate works, and why she advocates for animals.
Viewers should contact the head of the Committee and request that it be given a vote … This is such a tragedy for these dogs.
Sen. Dayna Polehanki, re #TeddysLaw, HBs 4881, 4882

Sen. Polehanki talked about Teddy’s Law which would allow dogs who are used by Michigan research facilities be given a chance to be adopted into a family after the research is finished.
These bills, H.B’s. 4881 and 4882 were introduced last year by State Representative Tommy Brann and State Representative Kevin Hertel. They are languishing in the House Regulatory Reform Committee, whose chair is Rep. Roger Hauck.
Sen. Polehanki urges advocates to take action by contacting Rep. Hauck and urging a vote on these bills. Michigan residents, call Regulatory Reform Chair Rep. Hauck (517) 373-1789 and ask him to schedule a vote on #TeddysLaw.