Rep. Paiz spoke of HB 5525, a bill that would create civil liability for death or harm to a “service animal” as defined in federal and state law and provide various damages. These animals, currently only dogs and miniature horses, receive enhanced protections in other laws already. The idea for the bill came to her when she was asked to sponsor House versions of two bills in the Senate, to modernize and enhance criminal penalties for harm to disabled people and their “guide dogs”. She consulted with various stakeholders including a law professor and NGOs that provide disabled people. The 3 bills are now pending in both Michigan House and Senate, with Rep. Paiz’s bills getting a hearing in May (with AFA testifying in support). There were concerns and she expects to work on the bills this summer and have a committee vote in September.
She also highlighted the “anti-BSL” bills (HB 5039-5041) which would prevent counties, townships and cities from enacting or enforcing laws regulating dogs based on breed or perceived breed. Her service on the Harper Woods City Council provided insight into the harms caused by BSL, without addressing the root problem.