4 Take-aways from Latest Legislative Tracker™
See the complete Legislative Tracker™ here.
See the complete Legislative Tracker™ here.
Let’s take a moment to celebrate. Yesterday the United States House of Representatives overwhelmingly, and with bi-partisan support, passed a major piece of animal welfare legislation, H.R. 724, Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act. This legislation has been called a … Continued
End of summer means pumpkin spice latte in your favorite coffee shop, the beginning of school, and the return of legislators to the state and US capitols. In Michigan, we’ve seen two bills introduced this past month which the AFA … Continued
Now it’s the Endangered Species Act itself that is endangered. Although it received overwhelming bi-partisan support when enacted in 1973*, but for years a political football, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) faces an existential challenge. The current administration this week … Continued
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service proposes removing gray wolves in the lower 48 states from protection under the Endangered Species Act and turning management over to the states. AFA’s comment in opposition offers a useful perspective for the … Continued
Congratulations to Rebecca, who recently joined Varnum’s Estate Planning Practice Team. The firm’s announcement highlights her many activities and accomplishments in animal law, and particularly in estate planning for animals. It mentions that she is Animal Friendly Attorneys™ certified. She has … Continued
Photo by kat wilcox from Pexels “House Bill 4332 amends the Penal Code to increase penalties for certain animal abuse violations . . . . The bill also brings breeders and pet shop owners under the animal abuse law and provides protections for … Continued
Michigan passed a Hunter Harassment Act in the 1990s and updated it several years ago to prevent hunters from being harassed by the use of drones. Now legislation has been introduced at the behest of the hunting interests to create … Continued
We’re 5 months into the Michigan and Congressional legislative sessions. There’s been local activity as well. Highlights include: Michigan Legislature: This month saw the introduction of a 6-bill animal-friendly bill package, which AFA’s board has voted to support: animals in … Continued
Below is the full report; here’s a link to the searchable version, so you can see the bills for yourself. Since the last Tracker, the Michigan Senate Natural Resources Committee held hearings on resolutions supporting hunting of sandhill cranes and … Continued