Lunch + Legislation: Amanda Wight, Wildlife Protection Manager, HSUS, “Wolves in Michigan
While wolves in Michigan are protected under the federal Endangered Species Act, both federal and state lawmakers, backed by a large contingent of hunters, trappers, and farmers (although by no means all) are actively seeking to overturn federal ESA protections, … Continued
AFA Again Offering Animal Law Conference Scholarship Travel Grants, Oct. 18-20 in Portland
The Attorneys for Animals (AFA) Animal Law Conference Scholarship program, now in its 5th year, will provide travel scholarships of $500 each to nine eligible recipients to attend in-person. AFA, a Michigan-based non-profit dedicated to advancing animal law and policy through … Continued
Lunch + Legislation: Kara Shannon, Director of Farm Animal Welfare Policy, ASPCA, “Farm Bill Update”
A massive piece of legislation that dictates what our public dollars are going to support in agriculture. It’s… our opportunity — instead of propping up factory farming (which…has been done for decades) to…seeing those billions of dollars… supporting meaningfully higher … Continued
Focusing on the Farm Bill
Image: Scott Bayer, USDA “The farm bill is an omnibus, multiyear law that governs an array of agricultural and food programs. It provides an opportunity for policymakers to comprehensively and periodically address agricultural and food issues.”[i] This massive piece of … Continued
Lunch + Legislation: Rep. Veronica Paiz and How Bills Evolve to Focus on Service Animals, Artist as Advocate
Something that would have people more mindful, more considerate of their behavior or actions … Rep. Veronica Paiz, Lunch + Legislation, Saturday, June 8, 2024 Rep. Paiz spoke of HB 5525, a bill that would create civil liability for death … Continued
The 102nd #6: Lonely in Lansing
This edition of the 102nd will answer the burning question: “why is Lansing so lonely the week of Memorial Day?” Here’s a hint: “why is Mackinac Island’s Grand Hotel so crowded this week?” The Mackinac Policy Conference sponsored by the … Continued
Scholarship Update: Jennifer Bass
My Journey in Pursuing Animal Law I am grateful to have received the scholarship from AFA. It was my first step into animal law and completely changed my trajectory of the classes I took, the positions I applied for, and … Continued
Lunch + Legislation: Rep. Stephanie Young, Including Animals in Sentencing Guidelines
We welcome Rep. Young, who represents the 16th District in the Michigan House, to talk about the importance of the bill package she is leading, to put animals into the picture when judges are sentencing defendants who have been convicted … Continued
The 102nd #5: “It’s Always Something”
A tip of the hat for Detroiter Gilda Radner who inspired the title of today’s post. But the expression perfectly captures the way it’s been for animal-friendly legislation moving (or not) in this session of the legislature. The Democratic trifecta … Continued