The (Relative) Calm Before the Storm: Legislative Tracker™ to August 28, 2020

As we head into the fall, the Michigan Legislature returns to work. We expect to see a flurry of activity in September and October, as the 2019-20 legislative session nears its end. We don’t expect many new bills to be … Continued

Imagining a World Without Factory Farming

Does anyone else think this pandemic is a good opportunity to re-imagine our world? We’re republishing an article from “The Conversation” by Kendra Coulter, PhD, of Brock University, that envisions a world without corporate animal agriculture, and provides a road … Continued

3 Wins this Week and it’s only Tuesday

On July 6, two court decisions breathed new life into the 50 year old National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq.; and, in one case, supported a broad interpretation of the Endangered Species Act. The decisions … Continued

US Wildlife Policy 2020: Dismantle and Degrade, Whack and Wallop

Many federal agencies have been on the public’s radar during the last few months of the pandemic. The Department of Interior has not. We think it should be. “Some of the most cruel hunting practices again will be allowed on … Continued

Regulating Rescues: Making a Good Idea Better

SB 174 takes on an important and controversial topic in Michigan animal welfare and advocacy circles. Currently, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development regulates “brick and mortar” shelters, and has developed some standards. These shelters are required to … Continued

Little-Known Michigan Insurance Bulletin Could Positively Impact Dog Owners: Guest Commentary by Charlotte McCray, JD

“Can Pet Ownership Affect Your Eligibility for Insurance in Michigan?” Typically, no. Michigan’s Essential Insurance Act1 limits the factors that insurance companies can consider when deciding whether to insure “eligible persons.” Most people qualify as “eligible persons” when they buy … Continued