Lunch + Legislation, Kate Brindle, HSUS, “Michigan Cage-Free Law Takes Effect”

We welcomed Kate Brindle, Program Manager, Public and Corporate Policy, Farm Animal Protection, HSUS. The law that requires all eggs sold in Michigan to come from hens who are raised in a cage-free environment finally went into effect in Michigan … Continued

Lunch + Legislation: Blake Goodman, HSUS Michigan Director, A Look at Lansing and Animal Legislation

Today we welcomed Blake Goodman, the Humane Society of the United States Michigan State Director. He talked about his role both as promoting legislation in Lansing and working with groups and individuals in the state who are doing direct animal … Continued

Regulating Rescues: Making a Good Idea Better

SB 174 takes on an important and controversial topic in Michigan animal welfare and advocacy circles. Currently, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development regulates “brick and mortar” shelters, and has developed some standards. These shelters are required to … Continued