Editor’s Note: When AFA’s board of directors learned in early March 2016 that the NRC was considering Wildlife Conservation Order Amendment No. 4 of 2016, which greatly expands what is already a lengthy hunting season for coyotes, and that the proposal included year-round hunting even during denning times, it voted to submit a letter in opposition. These are animals who have been unfairly demonized, and, as we looked into the proposal, we believed it to be against sound scientific management principals, as well as ineffective.
The proposal was adopted by the NRC at its April 2016 meeting. Coyotes now can be hunted year-round and around the clock. More information on the new rules is here.
“These regulations evince an intent by the Natural Resources Commission
to wage an assault on Michigan coyotes,
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giving hunters a nearly endless toolbox of resources to kill coyotes
that is at odds with statutory directives
and with information provided to the Commission by the DNR.”
Read the text of our letter submitted to the Michigan Natural Resources Commission here.