Lunch + Legislation with Dan Centers, Chief of Staff to Michigan Senator Dayna Polehanki

The importance of a legislator’s staff can’t be overstated. As animal advocates, it’s important for us to develop a relationship with key staffers who have the ear of their bosses, are detail-oriented and aware of policy implications. Dan, who is … Continued

Lunch + Legislation: “Protect MI Pet”, with Ballot Initiative Advisor Tanya Hilgendorf

I don’t think people realize that often the animals are the only ones punished. Tanya Hilgendorf Earlier this year a ballot initiative campaign launched with a goal of amending the Michigan Constitution to “create a registry of convicted animal abusers … Continued

Help Put Farm System Reform into the Farm Bill

It’s been said that the Farm Bill should be called “The Food Bill” because not everyone farms, but everyone eats. It’s misleading to call it the “Farm” Bill because most people do not think of CAFOs (factory farms) when they … Continued

Lunch + Legislation with Adam Mason, ASPCA Senior Manager of Farm Animal Welfare and Environmental Policy

It’s our job [in the animal welfare movement] to make sure this bill is good for animals. Adam Mason The ASPCA’s Policy Platform, released in January 2023, is a good source of information to familiarize yourself with the 2023 Farm … Continued

The Farm Bill and Animals: Challenge and Opportunity

Every five years or so, Congress debates and passes a Farm Bill that will steer the course of farm, food, rural, nutrition, and agricultural policies in this country for half a decade. If you live in the United States, the … Continued

“The 102nd”: Following the Michigan Legislature 2023-2024, #1 — Committees Formed

Our goal is to provide up-to-date and practical information for animal advocates. Our resources are easily accessible and aren’t found elsewhere. With the beginning of the new Michigan Legislature, we begin The 102nd, a series of posts to give you … Continued

Lunch + Legislation with Lobbyists Kirk Profit and Samantha Zandee, Governmental Consultant Services, Inc.

January 2023 marks the beginning of a new Michigan Legislature session. Who better to review the last session and preview this brand new one than Kirk and Samantha with Lansing-based GCSI. This episode marks the first time we’ve had a … Continued