Lunch + Legislation, Kate Brindle, HSUS, “Michigan Cage-Free Law Takes Effect”

We welcomed Kate Brindle, Program Manager, Public and Corporate Policy, Farm Animal Protection, HSUS. The law that requires all eggs sold in Michigan to come from hens who are raised in a cage-free environment finally went into effect in Michigan … Continued

Lunch + Legislation: Amanda Wight, Wildlife Protection Manager, HSUS, “Wolves in Michigan

While wolves in Michigan are protected under the federal Endangered Species Act, both federal and state lawmakers, backed by a large contingent of hunters, trappers, and farmers (although by no means all) are actively seeking to overturn federal ESA protections, … Continued

Lunch + Legislation: Kara Shannon, Director of Farm Animal Welfare Policy, ASPCA, “Farm Bill Update”

A massive piece of legislation that dictates what our public dollars are going to support in agriculture. It’s… our opportunity — instead of propping up factory farming (which…has been done for decades) to…seeing those billions of dollars… supporting meaningfully higher … Continued

Defeat EATS Coalition Fights On: 5/28/24 Update

Margo Miller, board secretary, is AFA’s representative to the nation-wide coalition. Here’s her report. On May 21, 2024, House Agriculture Committee Chair Glenn “GT” Thompson introduced H.R. 8467, the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024, which was slated … Continued

Alicia Prygoski: Strategic Legislation (Part II): How You Can Be a More Effective Animal Advocate

Alicia returns for another L+L. In February, she gave us a behind-the-scenes look at the strategy that leads to successful animal advocacy at federal, state and local level. Today’s focus is on how individual animal advocates or members of a … Continued

Endangered Species Act: Happy 50th Birthday at a Pivotal Moment

The Act reflects our democracy Zygmunt Plater, environmental law professor, Boston College, quoted in “50 years ago, Democrats and Republicans agreed to protect endangered species”Dinah Voyles Pulver, USA TODAY, December 28, 2023 President Richard Nixon signed the ESA into law 50 … Continued

Lunch + Legislation with Sara Amundson, HSLF: Why the EATS Act is Dangerous and What you Can Do To Defeat It

ENDING AGRICULTURAL TRADE SUPPRESSION or EATS Act, poses a significant threat to animal welfare measures passed over the last few decades. Introduced in the wake of the US Supreme Court’s decision in May upholding California’s Prop 12 which ensures minimal … Continued

EATS Act Directly Threatens Farmed Animal Welfare

Last month’s celebration of a victory with the US Supreme Court decision upholding California’s right to regulate the treatment of animals out-of-state who are to be sold in California is replaced by a threat to Prop 12 in California and … Continued