Lunch + Legislation: Logan Christian, National Caucus of Environmental Legislators

Today we welcomed Logan and learned about a great resource for legislators — and advoates. The NCEL “empower[s] a nonpartisan network of state legislative champions. Created by and for state legislators, NCEL serves as a resource to lawmakers working to … Continued

Lunch + Legislation with Nichole Keway Biber, LTBB of Odawa: Activist, Educator, Storyteller

Watch the complete interview. Nichole is a member of the Anishinaabek Caucus which acts to promote the interests and concerns of the Anishinaabek people. This June, she and other tribal members were invited to present at both the Senate and … Continued

The 102nd #5: What’s On The Agenda?

This June, Tribal Citizens representing Little Traverese Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, and the Keewenaw Bay Indian Community were invited to the House and Senate Natural Resources Committees to discuss Traditional Ecological Knowledge … Continued

Lunch + Legislation with Sara Amundson, HSLF: Why the EATS Act is Dangerous and What you Can Do To Defeat It

ENDING AGRICULTURAL TRADE SUPPRESSION or EATS Act, poses a significant threat to animal welfare measures passed over the last few decades. Introduced in the wake of the US Supreme Court’s decision in May upholding California’s Prop 12 which ensures minimal … Continued

EATS Act Directly Threatens Farmed Animal Welfare

Last month’s celebration of a victory with the US Supreme Court decision upholding California’s right to regulate the treatment of animals out-of-state who are to be sold in California is replaced by a threat to Prop 12 in California and … Continued

Lunch + Legislation with Dan Centers, Chief of Staff to Michigan Senator Dayna Polehanki

The importance of a legislator’s staff can’t be overstated. As animal advocates, it’s important for us to develop a relationship with key staffers who have the ear of their bosses, are detail-oriented and aware of policy implications. Dan, who is … Continued

Lunch + Legislation with Representative and Speaker Pro Tempore Laurie Pohutsky

Today we welcomed Michigan Representative Laurie Pohutsky who is Speaker Pro Tempore of the House and Chair of its Natural Resources, Enviromental, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Committee. The Speaker Pro Tempore talked about her vision for the Committee as a … Continued

Help Put Farm System Reform into the Farm Bill

It’s been said that the Farm Bill should be called “The Food Bill” because not everyone farms, but everyone eats. It’s misleading to call it the “Farm” Bill because most people do not think of CAFOs (factory farms) when they … Continued