Lunch + Legislation: Rep. Penelope Tsernoglou, Animal Advocate and Member, Michigan House

“We had talked about updating the dog law…quite an expansive thing to take on. I think we need a lot more discussion about what that’s going to be but I am happy to take that on as a project for … Continued

The 103rd #1: Welcome, Members of the Michigan Legislature. The Image We Chose.

Image | Michigan State Capitol CommissionNOTE: Two years ago we began “The 102nd”, an occasional series to document interesting or little-known observations about the 2023-24 Michigan Legislature, the state’s 102nd. We’re carrying on the tradition with the first post of … Continued

Lunch + Legislation, Kate Brindle, HSUS, “Michigan Cage-Free Law Takes Effect”

We welcomed Kate Brindle, Program Manager, Public and Corporate Policy, Farm Animal Protection, HSUS. The law that requires all eggs sold in Michigan to come from hens who are raised in a cage-free environment finally went into effect in Michigan … Continued

Lunch + Legislation: Hendrik Faller and Tom Miller, “Dogs Are People Too” and the Influence of Film on Legislation

Movies can entertain us, get us thinking, trigger an emotional response. They can even deliver a powerful mesage that can change policy or spark legislative change. “Dogs Are People Too: A Four-Legged Civil Rights Movement” has the potential to do … Continued

Lunch + Legislation: Rep. Veronica Paiz and How Bills Evolve to Focus on Service Animals, Artist as Advocate

Something that would have people more mindful, more considerate of their behavior or actions … Rep. Veronica Paiz, Lunch + Legislation, Saturday, June 8, 2024 Rep. Paiz spoke of HB 5525, a bill that would create civil liability for death … Continued

Lunch + Legislation: Rep. Stephanie Young, Including Animals in Sentencing Guidelines

We welcome Rep. Young, who represents the 16th District in the Michigan House, to talk about the importance of the bill package she is leading, to put animals into the picture when judges are sentencing defendants who have been convicted … Continued

The 102nd #5: “It’s Always Something”

A tip of the hat for Detroiter Gilda Radner who inspired the title of today’s post. But the expression perfectly captures the way it’s been for animal-friendly legislation moving (or not) in this session of the legislature. The Democratic trifecta … Continued