Who Can Speak About Wolves?

Very few people indeed, if you listen to some in the Michigan Legislature and other pro-hunt proponents. Some members of the Michigan Legislature who represent the Upper Peninsula, joined by a number of their colleagues “Under the Bridge”, have long … Continued

Lunch + Legislation #15: What’s Up With … Redistricting (and how animal advocates can use it)

We’re starting the year with a discussion of a very important and topical issue from a different perspective. In Michigan and around the country, maps for Congressional and state district boundaries are being re-drawn, and will impact who gets elected … Continued

The (Relative) Calm Before the Storm: Legislative Tracker™ to August 28, 2020

As we head into the fall, the Michigan Legislature returns to work. We expect to see a flurry of activity in September and October, as the 2019-20 legislative session nears its end. We don’t expect many new bills to be … Continued

Legislative Tracker: End-of-Summer-Recess Edition

End of summer means pumpkin spice latte in your favorite coffee shop, the beginning of school, and the return of legislators to the state and US capitols. In Michigan, we’ve seen two bills introduced this past month which the AFA … Continued

Do We Really Need a 9th Way to Violate Michigan’s Hunter Harassment Law?

Michigan passed a Hunter Harassment Act in the 1990s and updated it several years ago to prevent hunters from being harassed by the use of drones. Now legislation has been introduced at the behest of the hunting interests to create … Continued