In 1990, this notice appeared in the Michigan Bar Journal: “All attorneys interested in animal law contact Wanda Nash.”
This was the beginning of animal law in Michigan. Nearly 20 people responded to her call, and Attorneys for Animals was created. Wanda was its first President and remained active in AFA throughout her life.
Under Wanda’s leadership, AFA accomplished its major goals in short order. The Animal Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan was formed in 1995, the first such statewide organization in the country, with Wanda elected its first Chair. The Animal Law Sourcebook and other publications followed.
A truly compassionate person and passionate in her devotion to the animals, Wanda accomplished much and influenced many during her life. In the early 1970s, when her children were young, she began volunteering at the local animal shelter.
The cause of helping animals grew to encompass her life. In the 1980s, before it was common, she attended law school for the sole purpose of using the law to help animals.
Wanda was an exceptional leader and possessed an unassailable vision of what was possible when dedicated people join together for a cause they strongly believe in: making our world a better place for animals. Her life was an example of how much a single, committed person can accomplish.